Tips and Ideas to start and run your online business News
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7 Ways To Raise The Bar In Life And In Business
WHEN IT COMES TO AIMING HIGH in life or in your business, you have to dare to be different. If you want to have an extraordinary life, you need to do things that are "extra ordinary". This means stepping away from the pack and doing the things...

A Japanese doctor who studied longevity — and lived to 105 — said if you must retire, do it well after age 65
Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, credited with building the foundations of Japanese medicine and helping make Japan the world leader in longevity, often practiced what he preached. Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, credited with building the foundations of Japanese...

A Harvard professor says your answers to 2 questions will help you become more successful in life
Michael Phelps Winston Churchill Was just reading an interesting book by Eric Barker. In his book, "Barking Up the Wrong Tree." Barker uses Michael Phelps and Winston Churchill as early examples of people who succeeded because of -- not in...