“From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed: Here Are the 20 Critical Checklists You Need To Make Blogging Faster, Easier and More Profitable Than Ever Before!”

Now you too can avoid the most common blogging mistakes, take all the pro shortcuts, and grow your blog simply by following a set of proven and easy steps!

Dear Blogger,
Ever get that nagging feeling like you’re totally missing something?
It happens when you’re packing for vacation. It happens when you’re shopping at the grocery store. And if you’re like most business owners, it happens a LOT when you’re setting up your blogging strategy.
And no wonder…
It feels like there are just an incredible number of steps you need to take. It’s overwhelming. You get the feeling you’re missing something, but you don’t know what it is. Sometimes you KNOW you’re missing something, because you’re not getting the results you want.
Sound familiar?
If so, I have some great news for you…

Introducing Blogtivity – Your Complete Set of 20 Blogging Checklists for Setting Up Your Blog, Creating Epic Content, Building a Huge Audience and Turning Your Visitors Into Money In The Bank!

You’ll go from being overwhelmed to overjoyed once you see what these 20 checklists can do for you. I’ve taken an entire multi-volume encyclopedia set of blogging information and digested it down to the bare minimum of what you need to know to get great results.

I’ve labeled them “checklists,” but I actually use them myself as sort of mini-blueprints for my own blogging activities!

When I think of checklists, I think of something like this:

Let me be clear: This is NOT the kind of checklists that I’ve created and assembled in this amazing package!

The checklists (AKA “mini-blueprints”) are more than just a set of steps arranged chronologically into a bulleted list. There is actually some meat to these checklists that I know you are going to find helpful.
I’ve included: steps, ideas, options, examples, templates, questions and more. Take a look at some screen captures from ONE of the TWENTY checklists included in the Blogtivity package:

And that’s just ONE of TWENTY checklists that you’ll get when you download this package today!

All total, there are over 75 pages of “no fluff” profitable blogging strategy and content in Blogtivity!

Take a look…
1. The Ultimate Blogging for Profit Checklist
There are a lot of moving pieces and parts you need to put in place if you want to start, grow and profit from a thriving and popular blog. Fortunately, putting these pieces into place isn’t hard… when you use this ultimate blogging checklist!
2. The Blog Traffic Checklist
Building a blog full of awesome content is your goal, right? But none of that matters if you’re not bringing highly targeted traffic to your virtual doorstep. And that’s why you’ll want to use this eye-opening checklist to start bringing in those targeted visitors!
3. Your First 1000 Readers Checklist
There’s nothing worse than blogging your heart out, and then checking your traffic logs and finding out no one is reading. That’s why you’ll want to use this checklist to quickly get your first 1000 readers. (Hint: It’s easier than you think… once you know these strategies!)
4. The Blog Content Calendar Checklist
One of the tasks that separates the successful bloggers from the average blogger is that the successful bloggers plan their content calendar. Now you can do the same thing by using the step-by-step process outlined inside this checklist guide!
Doing this not only saves time, it also ensures every blog post you make is focused on helping you grow your business and achieve your goals. So get on track by using this content calendar checklist today!
5. The Blog Faster Productivity Checklist
One of the keys to building a successful blog (and business) is to learn how to get more done in less time. And if you apply the productivity tips inside this checklist, you too will see your business grow faster!
6. The Blog Set Up Checklist

When you choose a user-friendly content management system such as WordPress, then setting up your blog is relatively quick and easy! And this checklist will show you how to set up your first blog in as little as an hour or two—you could be done before you go to bed tonight!

7. The Ultimate Guide to Blog Post Ideas Checklist

It’s time to fill your blog with content. But if you want an engaged audience and plenty of repeat visitors, then you need to give your readers some variety. That’s where this checklist comes in, where you’ll discover the top ten kinds of blog posts that are sure to keep your readers coming back for more!

8. The Create Epic Content Checklist
You don’t want to post blog articles just for the sake of filling up space on your blog. Instead, you want to create epic content that your readers will love! This is the sort of content that keeps readers engaged, it gets them sharing your content, and it gets them coming back to your blog again and again for more. Use this checklist to find out how to do it!
9. The Blog Monetization Checklist
While it’s nice to get an eager audience praising you for your wonderful blog, it’s even better when they take out their wallets and support your work with their dollars. That’s why you’ll want to use this blog monetization checklist to be sure you’re getting maximum profits for your blogging efforts!
10. The Blog List-Building Checklist
A staggering number of your visitors will land on your blog, read a few articles, and then click away with every intention to return… but once they leave your site they promptly forget about it. That’s why it’s so important for you to build a list, which gives you the opportunity to bring visitors back to your blog so you can make some money. And this checklist will show you how to get your profitable email-capture system set up fast!
11. The Blog Plugins Checklist
The beauty of using WordPress is that you can add a lot of functionality to your site without having a single technical bone in your body. All you have to do is click your mouse a few times to install a plugin that gives you the functionality you want – it’s easy.
Now here’s the key: there are certain plugins that almost every blogger ought to be using – and this checklist reveals these must-have plugins to you!
12. The Guest Blogging Checklist
One of the best ways to start drawing traffic into your blog is by guest blogging on other high-quality blogs in your niche. And that’s exactly what this checklist will show you how to do!
13. The Blog Launch Checklist
It’s pretty exciting to launch a new blog. But that excitement can turn to disappointment very quickly if you don’t have a solid launch plan in place. So let’s avoid those business-killing mistakes. All you have to do is use this checklist to be sure your launch goes off without a hitch!
14. The Blog Niche-Selection Checklist
One of the keys to creating a profitable blog is to make sure you are blogging in a profitable niche. If you get this step wrong, your blog will be dead in the water before you even write your first post.
So how do you pick a profitable niche? That’s what you’ll discover inside this checklist guide!
15. The Blog Audience Engagement Checklist
You don’t just want visitors to come to your blog and read a few posts. Instead, you want them to be thoroughly engaged. You want them to comment on your posts, share them, follow you on social media, join your mailing list, and eagerly visit frequently.
So how do you get this sort of engagement? By using the proven strategies revealed inside this checklist!
16. The Overcoming Blog Mistakes Checklist
Here’s a scary truth: nearly every beginning blogger is going to make time-wasting mistakes. At best, these mistakes will just throw you off your goals for a short while and make you look like an idiot. At worst, these mistakes could kill your blog entirely and cost you dearly in terms of both time and money.
So how do you avoid these deadly mistakes? You’ll find out by going through this checklist!
17. The 31-Day Better Blog Checklist
You can take small steps to create big changes on your blog. And that’s why you’ll want to use this 31 day planner, which gives your blog a makeover through a series of small daily actions over the course of a month. So improve your content, your traffic and your profits by putting this planner to work for you starting today!
18. The Blog Posts That Sell Checklist
If you want to make money with your blog, then you need to learn how to create blog posts that sell. And this checklist is going to show you six specific ways to create content pieces that boost your conversion rates.
19. The Hands-Free Blog Outsourcing Checklist
Running a blog is a big endeavor, but you don’t need to do it all yourself. Instead, you can outsource some or even all of our blogging to one or more qualified freelancers. And this checklist shows you how to make outsourcing easier and more profitable than ever!
20. The Blog Hacks Checklist
You never aimed to be a mediocre blogger making a mediocre income, right? That’s why you’ll want to take a look at this blog hacks checklist for building and growing an exceptional blog that you’ll be proud to own!
Whew, what an amazing package of checklists!
Here is what I know for certain when it comes to this low-cost, high-value set of checklists…

You’re Going to Say “WOW!” When You Use These Checklists!

Seriously. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been blogging for a while now, you’re sure to find plenty of gold nuggets in this package to really help you out! These checklists will help you:
  • Avoid all the blogging pitfalls and mistakes that plague most online marketers!
  • Maximize your profits by learning the right way to build an audience and monetize your content!
  • Make blogging faster, easier and more effective than ever before!

Now you have one question, right?

How Much Is It?

Good news – this is the most affordable set of tools you’ve ever seen. Because when you order now, you get these checklists for just $2.35 each – that’s a total of $47 for the entire collection.
Plus once these blogging strategies produce just one or two sales for you, you’ll have recouped your entire investment. You can do that incredibly fast, which makes this offer a great deal!
Act now and you can take advantage of the special introductory sale pricing of just $27 for everything you see on this page!

That’s right, with your savings you pay just $1.35 per checklist!

But hurry, this special offer won’t last long, so click the buy button below now to get started!

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P.S. Have you ever wondered what the six-figure super bloggers do that you don’t do? You’ll find out inside these checklists! Now you too can put the most profitable blogging strategies to work for you starting today!