“From Overwhelmed To Overjoyed: Here Are The 20 Critical Checklists You Need To Make Email Marketing Faster, Easier And More Profitable Than Ever Before!”

Now you too can avoid the most common email marketing mistakes, take all the pro shortcuts, and build profitable lists by simply following a set of proven and duplicatable steps!

Dear List Builder,

Ever get that nagging feeling like you’re totally missing something?

It happens when you’re packing for vacation. It happens when you’re shopping at the grocery store. And if you’re like most business owners, it happens a LOT when you’re building your list and setting up email campaigns.
And no wonder…
It feels like there are just an incredible number of steps you need to take. It’s overwhelming. You get the feeling you’re missing something, but you don’t know what it is. Sometimes you KNOW you’re missing something, because you’re not getting the results you want.
Sound familiar?
If so, I have some great news for you…

Introducing Emailtivity™ – Your Complete Set of 20 List-Marketing Checklists For Creating and Growing Responsive Mailing Lists!

You’ll go from being overwhelmed to overjoyed once you see what these 20 checklists can do for you. I’ve taken an entire multi-volume encyclopedia set of email marketing information and digested it down to the bare minimum of what you need to know to get great results from building and monetizing lists.

I’ve labeled them “checklist”, but I actually use them myselfas sort of “mini-blueprints” for my own business.

When I think of checklists, I think of something like this:

Let me be clear: This is NOT the kind of checklists that I’ve created and assembled in this amazing package!

The checklists (AKA “mini-blueprints”) are more than just a set of steps arranged chronologically into a bulleted list. There is actually some meat to these checklists that I know you are going to find helpful.
I’ve included: steps, ideas, options, examples, templates, questions and more. Take a look at some screen captures from ONE of the TWENTY checklists included in the Afftivity package:

And that’s just ONE of TWENTY checklists that you’ll get when you download this package today!

All total, there are over 75 pages of “no fluff” profitable email marketing strategy and content in Emailtivity!

Take a look…
1. The Ultimate Email Marketing Checklist
Most email marketers only check a few obvious points before they send an email, like proofing the content and checking that the links work. This list gives you 20 points to check to ensure you’re sending the most well-written, goal-oriented and high-response emails as possible!
2. The Call-To-Action Checklist
Your call to action can make or break the success of an entire email campaign. Use this checklist to craft the perfect calls to action that boost your responses and generate more sales, traffic and cash for you!
3. The Crafting The Perfect Subject Line Checklist
If your subject line stinks, your subscribers will send your emails straight to the trash. Ouch! Don’t let that happen to you. Instead, use this checklist to create amazing subject lines that get attention, arouse curiosity, get the click and boost conversions across the board!
4. The List Monetization Checklist
No list-building effort is complete without this checklist. That’s because you’ll get seven solid ways to monetize your list, plus 15 amazing ways to maximize responses every time you send an email! If you want to make more money with your list, then check out this checklist right away!
5. The Special Promo Checklist
One really good way to light a fire under your subscribers and boost your conversions is by offering a special promo. This checklist walks you through the steps of setting it up, plus you’ll get ten idea for high-response promos you can start using ASAP!
6. The Presell Checklist
What’s the secret of making a crazy number of sales every time you email your list? It’s this: you need to presell the offer and whip subscribers into a buying frenzy before they even see the sales page. This checklist shows you exactly how to do it!
7. The Follow-Up Checklist
Did you know that most people need multiple exposures to you and your products before they’re willing to take the plunge and make a purchase? That’s why a follow-up sequence of emails works like crazy to generate sales for you. And this checklist shows you how to create high-response follow ups!
8. The Lead Magnet Checklist
Your lead magnet needs to not only attract high-quality leads to your list, it also needs to generate backend sales for you. But how do you create this sort of high-performance product? This checklist shows you exactly how to do it!
9. The Lead Capture Checklist
Creating an effective lead-capture system means snapping into a place a lot of pieces and parts across your blog, website, social media accounts and other properties. Use this checklist to improve your opt-in rates, get wide exposure, and cover all your bases!
10. The Types Of Email Campaigns Checklist
Sending out multiple emails almost always boosts your response. And here you’ll get a set of checklists to help you create and deliver five of the most highly effective emails. Whether you want more traffic, more social media contacts, more sales or anything else, you’ll find an email here to meet your needs!
11. The List Segmentation Checklist
How would you like a quick way to boost responses every time you send an email? Well there is one, and that’s to segment your list into micro-targeted pieces. This checklist shows you exactly how to do it so that you too can start getting great results!
12. The Your First 1,000 Subscribers Checklist
Everyone tells you to build a list because it’s so profitable. Question is, how do you get started when you have absolutely no idea where to start? Good news – that’s exactly what this checklist will show you how to do. You’ll get a step-by-step process for building a list from scratch to get to your first 1000 subscribers!
13. The Cold/Dead List Checklist
Need to bring a dead list back to life? This is the checklist for you! You’ll get a step-by-step process for contacting the list, warming them up, and getting them to start taking action again when you send them promos!
14. The Social List-Building Checklist
Do you have a presence on social media? If not, you should. That’s because your prospects are already there. And so are your competitors. What’s more, social media is also a great place to build your list. And that’s why you’ll want to use this checklist to grow your lists by tapping into the power of social media!
15. The Increase Your Open Rates Checklist
One big key to a profitable list is to increase your open rates for each and every email you send. But how do you create eye-popping open rates? By using this checklist the next time you mail your list!
16. The 3-Part Gain-Logic-Fear Email Campaign Checklist
One of the keys to a good email campaign is to hit on multiple points that will resonate with different subsets of the population. And that’s exactly what this checklist shows you how to do through the power of the super-effective “Gain-Logic-Fear” email campaign!
17. The Autoresponder Checklist
Your autoresponder is one of the most useful tools you possess in your marketing arsenal. That’s because it’s a hands-off, automatic way to build relationships and generate sales. But that only works if you’re setting your autoresponder up the right way! And this checklist makes sure you cover your bases and set up your autoresponder in the most effective, results-driven way possible!
18. The Email Delivery Checklist
It’s pretty obvious that email delivery is a big factor when it comes to the success of your email campaigns. And yet a lot of marketers don’t give it much thought. That’s why you’ll want to use this checklist to maximize your delivery rates and start getting better results with every email you send!
19. The Promotional Calendar Checklist
Still another key to a profitable and successful mailing list is to have a publishing plan. Forget about last-minute planning, where you come up with an idea on the day you mail your list. Instead, swipe a page from the top email marketer’s playbook and create a promotional calendar. This checklist makes quick and easy work of it!
20. The Relationship-Building Checklist
One huge key to a responsive list is to get your subscribers to know, like and trust you. Because the second they do, the second you’ll start seeing higher open rates, clicks and sales! And that’s why this checklist shows you exactly how to start building that all-important relationship with your subscribers!
Whew, what an amazing package of checklists!
Here is what I know for certain when it comes to this low-cost, high-value set of checklists…

You’re Going to Say “WOW!” When You Use These Checklists!

Seriously. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been building your lists for a while now, you’re sure to find plenty of gold nuggets in this package to really help you out! These checklists will help you:
  • Avoid all the pitfalls and mistakes that plague most list builders!
  • Grow your lists, increase responses, and maximize profits!
  • Make list building faster and easier than ever before!

Now you have one question, right?

How Much Is It?

Good news – this is the most affordable set of tools you’ve ever seen. Because when you order now, you get these checklists for just $2.35 each – that’s a total of $47 for the entire collection.

Plus once these strategies produce just ONE or two extra sales for you, you’ll have recouped your entire investment. You can do that incredibly fast, which makes this offer a great deal!
Act now and you can take advantage of the special introductory sale pricing of just $27 for everything you see on this page!

That’s right, with your savings you pay just $1.35 per checklist!

But hurry, this special offer won’t last long, so click the buy button below now to get started!

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P.S. Have you ever wondered what the six-figure list builders do that you don’t do? You’ll find out inside these checklists! Now you too can put the most profitable list-building strategies to work for you starting today!